大老虎在幾週前傳來她做的這款Sourdough Bread,又是照片又是她一口咬下那外皮酥脆聲看起來很是誘人,可是我上次在舊金山吃過這款酸麵包不太喜歡這酸味,小老虎告訴我姐姐做的這方子酸味不強口感有點像歐包,這一聽有點打動我心也想來試試,週末和她們通話時提到,要自己培養這酵種得花上七到十天我就沒興致了,那知掛了電話沒多久大老虎簡訊就傳來--Starter已訂購好了週一送達....這也太有效率了吧!女兒這麼有心那麼老媽總得顯顯身手較量一下了
12-16 hours before you start making dough, feed your starter
120g flour
120g water at ~80F
40g sourdough starter
Mix dough (do this tomorrow morning when you wake up. OR you can do it ~5pm at night and put the dough in the fridge)
For **2** loaves **好貼心的女兒怕老媽數學不好還幫我換算好**
720g bread flour (360g for 1 loaf)
80g whole wheat flour (40g for 1 loaf)
580g water at ~80F (290g for 1 loaf)
18g salt (9g for 1 loaf)
240g sourdough starter (120g for 1 loaf)
1. Mix everything in a bowl until the dough comes together with no dry flour left. The dough will be sticky, not smooth. Cover and leave in a warm place.
2. 30 minutes later, come back and "fold" the dough. Wet your hand slightly to prevent the dough from sticking to your hand. Then take 1 edge of the dough and fold it into the center. Do it 4 times around the dough, like this.
3. Do this every 30 minutes for 3 hours. (6 times, folding all 4 edges around the dough each time)
Shape the dough
4. After 3 hours, dust the table top with flour. Gently turn the dough onto the table.
5. Divide the dough in half if making 2 loaves. Fold the 4 edges one more time, and let rest for 30 minutes.
6. Gently shape the bread into a round, like this. Then put it into a basket or a bowl lined with a cloth dusted with flour. (Put the smooth side face down into the basket)
7. Cover the baskets and let them rise at room temp for 3-4 hours OR put them into the refrigerator overnight.
8. Take baskets out of the fridge 1 hour before baking.
9. Preheat the oven to 500F (with the Dutch oven AND lid inside).
10. When preheated, dust the top of the dough in the basket with flour.
Tip the basket gently upside down into the dutch oven, then use a razor or knife to create some slash marks across the bread like this. You can do a pattern like # or ///
Tip the basket gently upside down into the dutch oven, then use a razor or knife to create some slash marks across the bread like this. You can do a pattern like # or ///
11. Put it in the oven, put the lid on, and turn the heat down to 450F. Bake for 20 min.
12. Take off the lid and bake for 20 more min.